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Izadi, Best Environmental Project


The awards organized by Verema, the biggest online wine community in Spanish, awarded this DOCa Rioja winery for its commitment to the environment and its care.

After winning the Best Of award for Sustainable Wine Tourisim, Izadi has received a new distintion for its environmental conservation project. In this case, Verema users  have chosen, through a public online vote, the winery from Villabuena de Álava as Best Environmental Proyect of 2023 among the 10 nominated wineries, which also included renowned wineries such as Pago de Carro Ovejas or Familia Torres, which were second and third classified.

This distinction endorses the commitment of Izadi (which in Basque means nature) with the environment that surrounds it and from which it borrows the raw material with which it makes its wines. This purpose led it to obtain the Wineries for Climate Protection certification from the FEV three years ago, which, since January 2024 has broadened the social and cultural spectrum.

To reach  this point, the Rioja Alavesa winery has been developing different initiatives ranging from the use of solar panels to the generation of renewable energy, the implementation of water reuse circuits, the reduction of the weight of bottles and auxiliar material, or the increase in the number of hectares of organic farming. This philosophy has also been transferred to other areas of the winery, such as wine tourism, where experiences are developed with electric bicycles or visits with a high component of environmental awareness.
For Lalo Antón, general manager of Bodegas Izadi: “this is a great recognition for the whole team, for their efforts in reducing our environmental impact and trying to take care of all the details to be as respectful as possible with nature and the community around us”. Antón also recognizes that “this distinction encourages us to keep going forward on the path that we started years ago and in which we blindly believe, because sustainability is an obligation, not an option”.

Izadi was also nominated in the category of best rosé for its Izadi Larrosa Rosé, which ended up taking second place in the final vote.